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where to buy gyokuro

by ann

I bought gyokuro tea a few weeks ago in our trip to Tokyo and Sapporo.

I bought in rera mall where we stop for outlet shopping. We pass and saw a shop selling teas.

We had our tea tasting. and I find gyokuru so good.

Now I'm back in the Philippines and my supply will soon be over.

How will I purchase my tea again?

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International Tea
by: Anonymous

Hi, Ann.

Thank you for your post. We agree that Gyokuro tea is delicious.

If you are comfortable purchasing over the internet, here are some tea companies that offer gyokuro and ship internationally.

If not, Manila and other large cities should have Japanese food stores (check Darumaya food center) which may be able to order a good Gyokuro tea if they do not already carry it.

Here's to your tea drinking in good health!

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