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Easy Weight Loss Tips
At Parties
Avoid post-party plump by using these easy weight loss tips at parties.
Before you arrive:
- Plan to socialize. That's the reason for the party. Think of some good ice-breakers.
- Eat an extra serving of high fiber like oat bran or an apple about an hour before arriving at the party.
- Brush your teeth rigorously.
- Use a strong but pleasing mouthwash. Keep some low calorie breath mints with you and use them whenever you feel tempted to overeat.
During the party:
- Drink water or green tea only.
- If you have to have alcohol, restrict yourself to low calorie alcohol choices like a single four-ounce serving of red wine or champagne, avoiding hard liquor or mixed drinks. Then, for the rest of the party, drink water or green tea only.
- Always keep a glass of water with a wedge of lemon or lime in your hand to avoid taking a high calorie drink or being offered one.
- If all the food is at a buffet table, try to mingle with people away from the table and keep those dangerous calories out of sight and off your belly.
- If food is served while seated, make sure you are prepared with interesting topics of conversation.
- Munch on the low calorie fruits and low calorie vegetables. Enjoy the taste without high-fat sauces or dips.
- Meet new people. Let the conversation flow.
- Parties are only a few hours--you can make it.
After the party:
- Brush your teeth as soon as you get home.
- Record your calories and make adjustments to restore your desired intake within a day or two.
- Remember the best moments and your new friends.
If you liked these weight loss tips at parties, here are more tips for different challenges in your life
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Blast That Belly Fat | Belly Fat Research |
Your Fitness Program Benefits | The Ultimate Anti-aging Diet |
That Good Brown Fat | Brown Fat White Fat Research |
Exercise And Fitness News | Stop That Middle Age Spread | Weight Loss News Updates |
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Super Calorie Burning Fat | Excess Stomach Fat Dangers |
Anti-aging Research | Maximum Fat Burning | What's The Best Belly Fat Diet |
Is One High Fat Meal Dangerous? | Improving The Teenage Diet | Obesity And Cancer | 247 Weight Loss Tips |
Green Tea And Exercise Fitness |
Preventing 55% Of Obesity |
Avoiding Weekend Weight Gain |
Comfort Food Side Effects |
Dangers Of Just One Meal Daily |
Fasting: Pros And Cons |
Low Calorie Diet Vs Low Fat Diet |
Belly Fat In Men | Belly Fat In Women
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Did you like this page on weight loss tips at parties? Here are more exercise and weight loss ideas
This page was last updated by Sharon Jones on February 3, 2013.
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