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tea price

by Phyllis

I have purchased an inexpensive Japanese green tea powder distributed by Nishimoto trading co called "Green Tea (Gyomuyo Maccha).

I wish to know why it costs $1.42 an ounce as opposed to the $11 an ounce of the other brand I saw.

As I am using it to help strengthen my husband's immune system (he is fighting cancer), I don't want to be using the wrong product.

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Matcha Tea recommendation
by: Anonymous

I recommend the Matcha Zen brand of matcha tea that is organically grown and sourced from quality matcha in Japan. Their prices are pretty reasonable and I've great service with ordering from them online. Their website is

Tea prices variation
by: Anonymous

It sounds like you have a general green tea powder rather than a higher priced shaded gyokuro matcha powder, and the primary difference may be taste rather than antioxidants.

Tea prices will vary according to quality, types, season, availability, and market potential, at least.

Not only that, but the antioxidant chemicals in your cup of tea can vary up to 40-fold according to types, seasons, and manufacturing practices.

And all that is before you even prepare your own cup to drink which also changes the contents!

The least expensive way to know generally what you are using is to get standardized green tea extract pills that say things like 50% EGCG or whatever.

Then you still have to trust that company is reporting their product contents accurately.

Some people solve these dilemmas by always using a variety of green teas, in case one is not as rich in antioxidants as another.

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