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exercise for older women

Exercise is not a pretty name, in fact it puts the lazy gene in fast action.

I hate exercise and I always will, BUT, there comes a time in your life that you have to give in or face the mirror in horror.

I worked as a school teacher for forty years, and moved around the school room and walked the halls, up and down the stairs, so I felt I got enough exercise and my weight was good. W

hen I reached the age of seventy-five, I decided it was time to cut back a little, so I switched to part time and spent two days at home retired.

That word is almost as bad as exercise.

A couple of months later, I noticed that my skirts were getting a little tighter.

What the heck, I was still at school thirty hours, how could this be?

I knew I was picking a lot, when I went by the fridge, but could it make this much difference?

I knew that my kids had a treadmill and stationary bike in the basement so I thought I would give them a whirl.

Not as easy as it sounds.

I was so stiff after the first couple of days, I thought I would never walk again.

I carefully made out a schedule and told myself I would stick to it.

I did for a week, but I was just about croaking.

I stopped for a week, chastised myself and started again.

At eleven A.M. fifteen minutes on the bike, twelve minutes forward and twelve minutes pumping backward. I stretched for two minutes.

It took me some time to get into it, but then, if I did not exercise, I missed it.

Later it was the treadmill, same schedule. It was easier than the bike.

I turned eighty-two, July 31, and I am still at it.

I call myself the spinning queen.

On the days that I work I Spin directly after work

The next day I start out on the treadmill and later use the bike.

To tell you truth I love it and I am not stiff and I feel great.

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Lemon Balm, Anxiety, Stress, Hyperactivity, Memory, Antiviral Research, and more by Sharon Jones With over 250 pages and 540 referenced scientific studies, this book includes Growing lemon balm, Alzheimer's Anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-microbial, and anti-viral activities Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, Anxiety Belly fat, Cancer, Cosmetics, Depression, Diabetes, Heart disease Herpes and cold sores, Hyperactivity, Indigestion, Insomnia Irritable bowel syndrome, Memory improvement, Obesity Premenstrual syndrome, Spinal cord injury, Stress, Thyroid, Ulcers Order by title from Amazon Kindle now

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