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Dragon Well green tea with orange

by Joanne Mize
(Copperas Cove, TX, USA)

I was touring China in April 2011 and visited the Tea Garden in Hangzhou near West lake.

I bought some green tea along with hawthorne and orange rind. It was delicious.

It was a special buy for the tour group. If I wanted to buy more, what would it cost and shipping to Texas, USA? Or can I purchase it here in the USA?

I drink this tea every night after dinner.

My daughter was also there with me and she also purchased the same thing. She is also interested in purchasing more.

My sister tried it and wanted some also. It seems to be a popular tea here.

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Orange flavored tea
by: Anonymous

Hi Joanne,

Sometimes it is hard to find a tea produced locally in China being exported, so your best bet is to contact your tour director to learn if their Tea Garden will ship to the US.

If they don't offer that service, then you can join the rest of us as we keep on tasting new teas in our quest for the perfect tea.

Actually, for several perfect teas. You need different ones for different moods.

The good news is the quest is an excellent, healthy, and delicious journey.


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