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Decaffeination green tea benefits

by Terry Abraham
(Brighton Michigan)

For prostate cancer and secondary for weight loss, would liked to add green tea - brewed - to my diet.

First Question - Is decafinated change the benefits?

Second Question - How long brew and are tea bags ok or what other method best for benefits? THANKS

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Decaffeinated green tea
by: Sharon, editor

Terry, if you are being treated for any health condition, you must first check with your treating health care practitioner or physician before making lifestyle changes.

This is mandatory if you are already taking any medication, since all ingested chemicals, natural or manmade, will interact with each other, either positively or negatively.

To answer your questions, yes, in general decaffeination reduces beneficial antioxidants in green tea.

However, you can choose tea for caffeine levels that are best for you.

Regarding your second question, teabags use smaller particles of the tealeaf so all the antioxidant chemicals are extracted more quickly.

Most people steep (brew) their teas according to taste. If you primarily want the beneficial antioxidants like EGCG, a five minute steeping generally extracts 85%. For most teas, it's not worth it to try for a second steeping with the used tea. Just throw it away, using one teabag per cup.

Loose leaf and flavored teas offer lots of variety so you don't get bored with a tea-drinking lifestyle. Here are suggestions for gourmet tea preparation.

Since you asked about prostate cancer, have you checked out this prostate cancer research?

Hope this helps
Sharon, editor

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