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Calories In Persimmons

Calories in persimmons

A medium persimmon (approximately 3/4 cup) has 120 calories according to the US CDC FruitsandVeggiesMatter.

It is a very sweet fruit containing 31 grams of carbohydrates with 21 of those grams as sugars in that serving size.

Nutritional content of a persimmon

On the positive side, it has 6 grams of fiber for 21% of Daily Value.

It also offers a whopping 50% of the Daily Value for Vitamin A and 20% for Vitamin C.

Protein and minerals are slight, and it contains no fat or cholesterol, despite the high calories in persimmons.

Choosing a ripe fruit

This fruit is extremely tart when unripe, yet can quickly turn mushy when overripe.

While there are actually thousands of cultivars, there are two main ones commonly available, each with a different appearance.

The astringent Hachiya has an acorn shape and is extremely bitter when unripe.

The Fuyu is smaller, rounder or flatter, sweeter, and not as tart when still firm.

Both types should be orange with deep red undertones, plump with a smooth glossy skin, and free of black spots or blemishes.

If you buy them while still firm, you can ripen them at home by placing them in a bag with a banana for a day or so.

The sweet ones should be eaten as soon as ripe as they do not store well, even in the refrigerator.

The astringent or tart ones may be stored in the refrigerator for a few weeks or frozen for up to 8 months.

If you slice the fruit, the slices may also be dried and should have a consistency similar to dates.

A dessert fruit

A persimmon can be eaten fresh, or sliced into fruit salads, pies, cookies, tea breads, desserts, or cooked puddings.

It can also be mashed into a topping for ice cream or cereal.

Persimmon trees

The trees are grown in China (called Shizi), Korea, Japan (called Kaki), Brazil, southern Europe, as well as California and Texas in the US.

The American persimmon (Diospyros virginiana) is native to the east coast of the United States where the fruit is served in a traditional steamed pudding.

Tart or astringent varieties include Chocolate, Eureka, Gailey, Hachiya, Honan Red, Hiyakume, Maru, Nishimura Wase, Saijo, Tamopan, Tanenashi, and Triumph.

Sweet or nonastringent ones include Fuyu, Gosho, Imoto, Izu, Jiro, Maekawajiro, Okugosho, and Suruga.

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Dried Persimmon...
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