Calories in cauliflower
There are only 15 calories in a half cup of cauliflower (US Centers for Disease Control).
There is no cholesterol, only a trace of fat, and the sodium content varies from 10 to 15 mgs. per serving.
There are only 3 grams of carbohydrates, and only one of those is sugar.
Dietary fiber varies from one to two grams, and there is only one gram of protein.
Vitamins and minerals are low, but the Vitamin C level can be as high as 45% daily value.
The orange varieties have more Vitamin A, and the purple ones have more anthocyanin pigments.
It is also a member of the cruciferous vegetable family (Brassicas) like broccoli that are known for many healthy benefits.
Selecting cauliflower
This vegetable should be firm and heavy, without discolored areas.
Varieties now include the popular white, spiraled Romanesco, as well as a broccoli cross called broccoflower that is green.
Home gardeners can find purple or orange varieties for increased nutrition.
The white variety easily shows discolored and moldy areas. You can cut out these damaged portions from the head before cooking.
In general you should wash and eat this vegetable as soon as possible, although it can be stored in the refrigerator for a few days.
Raw and cooked
Raw florets are a beautiful addition to a fresh garden salad.
They are also used for a tray of vegetable crudites, and can create a dramatic effect during holidays as in a low calorie red/white/green veges tray.
Steaming is the best way to cook this vegetable to preserve its vitamin content and delicate flavor.
You can break it up into medium sized florets to reduce the cooking time.
Try to use stainless steel pots, as aluminum and cast iron may change this vegetable's color.
When cooked, is usually served as a vegetable side dish plain or with sauces.
You can also use it in casseroles, pasta dishes, and puree it for soups.
Because the calories in cauliflower are low, many people will substitute it for higher calorie vegetables like potatoes.
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